Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Technophobic and Loving it

     Technology is a wonderful thing.  It allows us to discuss ideas and report breaking news with people from all over the world instantaneously.  This is both a blessing and a curse.  I come from a slightly different time.  Phones were connected to the walls with wires and  I have memories of "party lines".  For those who are too young to know what I am talking about, this is when you had to share a phone line with one or more families in the neighborhood.  I remember my mother complaining about not being able to make a phone call because every time she picked up the phone someone was already on the line.  It was a big deal when cordless phones came on the scene.  They were large and had long antennas.  Answering machines did not exist yet.  Televisions were not just in color but had remote controls.  Ask anyone under the age of thirty about TV dials or adjusting the TV antenna and they will look at you like you have lost it.  Pagers were next which was a big step up for my generation.
     Fast forward- we are now impatient if someone does not immediately fax or e mail us the information that we are looking for.  We no longer have to keep trying to "catch" someone at home.  We can get them on their cell phone almost immediately.  This technology has also allowed those of us in the medical field to more quickly and appropriately begin treatment because we have access to medical records more quickly.
     I have come kicking and screaming into the 21st century regarding technology.  My learning curve with technology is very steep.  But, I am learning to embrace it.  We have recently started a weekly internet radio show that we broadcast from our office.  I have never done anything like this before and it has been a great learning experience.  We interview people every week who have great information to share with everyone.  Our problem has been that  dreaded learning curve.  I am having trouble getting us set on a "channel".
     In order to listen to the recorded programs it is necessary to log in different ways since the first few programs were recorded under different tiles due to technical difficulties.  We are learning how to do this and hope everyone will bear with us while we work out the kinks.  There is a link on this site that will take you to what is now the main channel.  For the other two programs that have been recorded you will need to go to and look under Senior Moments with Nurse Linda or seniormomentwithnurselinda.  The programs are cute but raw.  We are working out sound and lighting issues but the guests we have had on the show have been gracious and very informative.  The programs are recorded with both audio and video.  We have a good time and hope anyone that watches has a good time as well.

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