Saturday, February 11, 2012

Women really are from Venus

     Women do not do things the same way that men do.  That is what makes us special. We are more cerebral. We like to talk before we act. That was one of the most difficult things for me to learn about emergency care- sometimes you have to act first, talk later.
     But when it comes to cardiovascular issues we truly do things differently. For example, our symptoms of heart attacks are not the same. We are less likely to have the generally recognized "crushing chest pain" and shortness of breath. Our symptoms are much more subtle. They include things like pain in the center of the back, nausea or abdominal cramping and sudden, unexplained weakness from the waist up. It is also possible to experience symptoms of an impending cardiac event for many days before the acute event.
     Some simple things to remember to help take care of yourself or the woman in your life:
  • Know your cholesterol and work with your physician to control it.
  • Do not ignore any unusual symptoms that you may be experiencing. Tell medical personnel when the symptoms began and describe them in detail. 
  • Know the family history. A cardiac history in the family may put you at greater risk of a potential cardiac event.
  • If a physician does not address the symptoms to your satisfaction, go to another physician. Run if necessary. Advocate for yourself or your loved one.
     Women have a tendency to down play their symptoms. They also tend to delay treatment until dinner is made, the kids homework is done, the house is cleaned for week, etc. Love all the women in your life. Help them to take care of themselves. And to the women- listen to YOUR heart and take care of yourself.
     The professionals at Brook Health Care, LLC can help you with any specific information that you may need. Let us know how we can help. (

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