Thursday, December 22, 2011

Make your list and check it twice (or more)

     At this time of year most people are trying to finish up all the last minute details in preparation for the holidays.  In addition to the the daily work schedule, child care or caring for parents, there is decorating, shopping, gift wrapping, card sending, baking, cooking and RSVP'ing to parties.  With some careful planning and list making most, if not all, of your plans can be accomplished without making yourself crazy.  The lists should be titled "Have to" and "Want to". 
     The "Have to" list should include things that you cannot avoid doing.  Food shopping, meal preparation, children's activities, cleaning, etc.  The "Want to" list should include things that you would like to do.  This would be decorating, baking or cooking for others, attending parties, etc. 
     If necessary, make a daily to do list. This way you can spread the wealth so to speak. It helps to keep you from putting things off or forgetting about your 7AM work meeting when you said that you would take the kids to school that morning. Check the list before you commit to anything.  This time of year takes you out of your routine and it is easy to forget what you have previously agreed to do.
You may feel that you absolutely have to attend all the parties that you have been invited to, and you have to visit all the relatives within a three day period with home baked goodies and attend all the kids programs at school or church. Put all of these things on one of the two lists. Once it is on paper, staring you in the face you get a really clear idea of why you feel so overwhelmed. 
     Once you have everything down on paper you can begin to prioritize each of your lists.  As you complete things on the list check them off.  When you look back at the lists it is very satisfying to realize that you are accomplishing more than you think you are.  Do not be afraid to schedule some down time for yourself.  Put this on the "Have to" list.  Downsize some things.  Maybe you do not HAVE to decorate as much as you usually do or attend ALL the parties.  Be realistic with your time.
     Another suggestion is to delay some visits until after the New Year. For some the holidays are wonderfully busy times because of all the visitors and activities.  After the flurry of activity they are again alone in their daily routine.  This can be a dangerous time for developing depression.  Schedule a visit with them for the week or so after the holidays.  And bring the baked goodies.  It may be a more relaxed and welcomed visit for both of you.
     Making the lists, checking them twice and being honest with yourself about your time will possibly help you to feel more in control and relaxed.  Do not attempt to just get through the holidays.  Really ENJOY yourself and your family and friends this year.  Happy holidays to all!!

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